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za 29.03
di 01.04
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za 29.03
di 01.04
In de reeks ‘English Subs’ wordt The Seed Of The Sacred Fig vertoond met Engelse ondertiteling.
In de reeks ‘English Subs’ wordt The Seed Of The Sacred Fig vertoond met Engelse ondertiteling.
Shot entirely in secret, Mohammad Rasoulof’s award-winning thriller, The Seed Of The Sacred Fig, centers on a family thrust into the public eye when Iman is appointed as an investigating judge in Tehran. As political unrest erupts in the streets, Iman realizes that his job is even more dangerous than expected, making him increasingly paranoid and distrustful, even of his own wife Najmeh and daughters Sana and Rezvan.
Every Tuesday and Saturday you can enjoy one of the newest films with English subtitles.
Mohammad Rasoulof
Soheila Golestani, Missagh Zareh, Mahsa Rostami, Setareh Maleki
2u 47m
Drama, English subs,
Mohammad Rasoulof
Soheila Golestani, Missagh Zareh, Mahsa Rostami, Setareh Maleki
2u 47m
Drama, English subs