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di 08.04
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di 08.04
In de reeks ‘English Subs’ wordt Vingt Dieux vertoond met Engelse ondertiteling.
In de reeks ‘English Subs’ wordt Vingt Dieux vertoond met Engelse ondertiteling.
Experience director Louise Courvoisier’s award-winning debut, Vingt Dieux, a moving story about growing up. After the sudden loss of his father, 18-year-old Totone must care for his younger sister Claire. With the dream of making the best Comté cheese in the region and winning €30,000, he embarks on a challenging journey of self-discovery.
This film, which won the Prix de la Jeunesse at the Cannes 2024 Film Festival.
Louise Courvoisier
Clément Favreau, Maïwene Barthelemy, Luna Garret, Mathis Bernard, Dimitri Baudry
1u 32m
Drama, English subs, Filmspecial,
Louise Courvoisier
Clément Favreau, Maïwene Barthelemy, Luna Garret, Mathis Bernard, Dimitri Baudry
1u 32m
Drama, English subs, Filmspecial