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za 19.04
di 22.04
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za 19.04
di 22.04
In de reeks ‘English Subs’ wordt Maldoror vertoond met Engelse ondertiteling.
In de reeks ‘English Subs’ wordt Maldoror vertoond met Engelse ondertiteling.
When two girls go missing, Paul Chartier, an impulsive young police recruit, is assigned to “Maldoror”. This secret unit has been set up to monitor a dangerous sex offender. When the operation fails, fed up with the limits of the legal system, Chartier embarks on a solitary hunt to bring down the culprits.
Maldoror is a 2024 crime thriller film co-written and directed by Fabrice Du Welz. Inspired by the judicial scandal surrounding Belgian serial killer and child molester Marc Dutroux, Maldoror stars Anthony Bajon as a young policeman who becomes obsessed with a case involving a notorious child abuser.
Every Tuesday and Saturday you can enjoy one of the newest films with English subtitles.
Fabrice du Welz
Anthony Bajon, Alexis Manenti, Alba Gaïa Bellugi
België, Frankrijk
2u 35m
English subs, Filmspecial,
Fabrice du Welz
Anthony Bajon, Alexis Manenti, Alba Gaïa Bellugi
België, Frankrijk
2u 35m
English subs, Filmspecial