Film & Gesprek - Nijmegen for Palestine

The Great Book Robbery from Benny Brunner

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Film & Gesprek - Nijmegen for Palestine

The Great Book Robbery from Benny Brunner


This programme is organised in collaboration with Nijmegen for Palestine.
This whole programme, the film and the talk will be in English.

Film & Gesprek - Nijmegen for Palestine

The Great Book Robbery from Benny Brunner


This programme is organised in collaboration with Nijmegen for Palestine.
This whole programme, the film and the talk will be in English.

About the speakers

Benny Brunner

Benny Brunner is an iconoclastic Dutch-Israeli filmmaker The Seventh Million – The Israelis and the Holocaust (1995), Al Nakba: The Palestinian Catastrophe 1948” (1996), The Wall (2003) – known for his critical political documentaries that defend the rights of marginalized and underrepresented groups. Since the 1990s, he has been creating films that explore a range of important issues including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Jewish and Israeli culture and history, European culture and politics, and inspiring individuals. In his work, Brunner seeks to challenge dominant historical narratives and promote democratic values such as human rights and freedoms. He has also made it a focus to address themes of nationalism and racism.

Gerard Jonkman

Gerard Jonkman is the director of The Rights Forum, an organization dedicated to a just and sustainable Dutch and European policy on the Palestine/Israel issue. In previous years, Jonkman has worked for organizations such as Artsen zonder Grenzen, Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis and Vluchtelingenwerk on projects in Lebanon, Afghanistan, Palestine and Syria.

Aiham Jabr

Aiham Jabr is a Dutch Palestinian activist, social worker and public speaker, who has been involved in political activism from a young age, advocating for the liberation of Palestine and civil & social rights in the Middle East and beyond. He has fought for the right of return, and Palestinian right to self-determination.
Transitioning to journalism and TV correspondent in Moscow, he covered the Russian-Ukrainian war’s early years, Russian interference in Syria, and socio-economic issues.
As a social worker, he emphasizes bridging cultures, cultural sensitivity, and empowerment for all. Growing up in a family dedicated to strengthening Palestinian identity and roots and advocating for Palestinian rights, his commitment to social justice runs deep.

Part of the proceeds from the program are donated to Plant een Olijfboom for aid in Gaza. After the program it is possible to make additional donations.