Test je filmkennis bij de allereerste VPRO X Go Short Cinema Pubquiz!

GS: VPRO Cinema Pubquiz

Klik op één van de tijden en koop je tickets:

wo 02.04

  1. LUX 7 20.00 Koop

Tickets wo 02.04

    1. LUX 7 20.00 Koop

Test je filmkennis bij de allereerste VPRO X Go Short Cinema Pubquiz!

GS: VPRO Cinema Pubquiz

wo 02.04

  1. LUX 7 20.00 Koop Externe Tickets

Test je filmkennis bij de allereerste VPRO X Go Short Cinema Pubquiz!

GS: VPRO Cinema Pubquiz

Ontdek ons programma

Za 05.04

GS: VPRO dag

Do 03.04

GS: Workshop worldbuilding: Hybrid Worlding

Za 05.04

GS: Workshop: Make Your Own TikTok Documentary!

Za 05.04

GS: Reflections: Self-Driving Cars and AI: Road to Nowhere

Za 05.04

GS: Reflections: Artist Films in Transit

Za 05.04

GS: European Audience Favourites 1

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